Soft copies of my papers are available below for own reference and use. If you want a copy please email me at
(Thesis, books, edited volumes, book chapters, in journals, in proceedings, popularizing articles)
Total number of known citations (excluding self and co-author citations): 3072
h-index = 26 (Web of Science), 26 (Scopus), 35 (Google Scholar)
1Supervised Honours (4th year) student, 2Supervised MSc student, 3Supervised PhD student, 4Mentored postdoctoral researcher
and theoretical study of structures in the phase space of dynamical systems
with two and three degrees of freedom
Skokos Ch. : 1997, Ph.D. Thesis, Section of
Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Physics Department, Univ. of Athens
(in Greek). (3 known citations)
(pdf file, 33.2 Mb)
Complex Hamiltonian Dynamics
Bountis T. C. & Skokos Ch., 2012,
Springer Series in Synergetics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg
(255 pages). (50 known citations)
(Front matter:
pdf file, 194 Kb)
Proceedings of the International Conference "Nonlinear Dynamics and
Complexity: Theory, Methods and Applications", Thessaloniki, Greece, July
2010, Vol. 1
Nicolis G., Robnik M., Rothos V. & Skokos Ch. (eds.), 2011,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Volume 21, Issue 8. Special
EDITORIAL: 2011, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 21(8), 2077-2088.
file, 51 Kb)
Proceedings of the International Conference "Nonlinear Dynamics and
Complexity: Theory, Methods and Applications", Thessaloniki, Greece, July
2010, Vol. 2
Nicolis G., Robnik M., Rothos V. & Skokos Ch. (eds.), 2012,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. Volume 22, Issue 9. Theme
EDITORIAL: 2012, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 22(9),
file, 52 Kb)
Issue: "Chaos Detection Methods And Predictability"
Gottwald G. & Skokos Ch. (eds.), 2014,
Volume 24, Issue 2. Focus Issue.
EDITORIAL: "Preface to the Focus Issue: Chaos Detection
Methods and Predictability", 2014, Chaos, 24, 024201. (2 known citations)
file, 54 Kb)
Chaos Detection and Predictability
Skokos Ch., Gottwald G. & Laskar J. (eds.), 2016,
Lect. Notes Phys., Vol.
915, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
(74 known citations)
(Front matter:
pdf file,
72 Kb)
Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents and their computation
Skokos Ch., 2010, Lect. Notes
Phys., 790, 63-135.
(344 known citations)
file, 1.50 Mb)
Smaller (SALI) and the Generalized (GALI) alignment indices: Efficient
methods of chaos detection
Skokos Ch. & Manos T., 2016, Lect. Notes Phys., 915, 129-181. (47 known citations)
file, 2.45 Mb)
On the stability of the Trojan asteroids
Giorgilli A. & Skokos Ch., 1997, Astron. Astroph.,
317, 254-261. (110 known citations)
(pdf file, 230 Kb)
Structures in the phase space of a four
dimensional symplectic map
Skokos Ch., Contopoulos G.
& Polymilis C., 1997, Cel. Mech. Dyn. Astron., 65, 223-251.
(19 known citations)
(pdf file, 2.26 Mb)
A quantitative bifurcation analysis of Hénon-like
2D maps
Polymilis C., Servizi G. & Skokos
Ch., 1997, Cel. Mech. Dyn. Astron., 66, 365-385.
(6 known citations)
(pdf file, 1.84 Mb)
Bifurcation diagrams
of periodic orbits for unbound molecular systems : FH2
Founargiotakis M., Farantos S.
C., Skokos Ch. & Contopoulos G., 1997, Chem.
Phys. Let., 277, 456-464. (14 known citations)
(pdf file, 535 Kb)
Bifurcations of
beam-beam like maps
Polymilis C., Skokos Ch.,
Kollias G., Servizi G. & Turchetti G., 2000, J. Phys. A, 33, 1055-1064.
(8 known citations)
(pdf file, 239 Kb)
Effective stability of the Trojan asteroids
Skokos Ch. &
Dokoumetzidis A., 2001, Astron. Astroph., 367, 729-736. (42 known citations)
(pdf file, 176 Kb)
the stability of periodic orbits of high dimensional autonomous Hamiltonian
Skokos Ch., 2001, Physica D, 159, No 3-4, 155-179. (51
known citations)
(pdf file, 506 Kb)
indices: A new, simple method for determining the ordered or chaotic nature
of orbits
Skokos Ch., 2001, J. Phys. A, 34, 10029-10043. (322 known citations)
(pdf file, 8.64 Mb)
Orbital dynamics of three-dimensional
bars - I. The backbone of three-dimensional bars. A fiducial case
Skokos Ch., Patsis P. A.
& Athanassoula E., 2002, MNRAS, 333, 847-860.
(110 known citations)
(pdf file, 1.97
Orbital dynamics of three-dimensional
bars - II. Investigation of the parameter space
Skokos Ch., Patsis P. A.
& Athanassoula E., 2002, MNRAS, 333, 861-870.
(47 known citations)
(pdf file, 1.61
Edge-on boxy profiles
in non-barred disc galaxies
Patsis P. A., Athanassoula E.,
Grosbol P. & Skokos Ch., 2002, MNRAS, 335, 1049-1053.
known citations)
(pdf file, 282
Orbital dynamics of three-dimensional bars: III.
Boxy/Peanut edge-on profiles
Patsis P. A., Skokos Ch. &
Athanassoula E., 2002, MNRAS, 337, 578-596. (104 known citations)
(pdf file, 555
Topological degree
theory and local analysis of area preserving maps
Polymilis C., Servizi G., Skokos
Ch., Turchetti G. & Vrahatis M. N., 2003, Chaos, 13, 1, 94-104. (13
known citations)
(pdf file, 443 Kb)
Orbital dynamics of three-dimensional bars:
IV. Boxy isophotes in face-on views
Patsis P. A., Skokos Ch.
& Athanassoula E., 2003, MNRAS, 342, 69-78. (29 known citations)
(pdf file, 5.62
does the Smaller Alignment Index (SALI) distinguish order from chaos?
Skokos Ch., Antonopoulos Ch., Bountis T. C. & Vrahatis M. N., 2003,
Prog. Theor. Phys. Supp., 150, 439-443. (48 known citations)
(pdf file, 2.85 Mb)
the 3D dynamics and morphology of inner rings
Patsis P. A., Skokos Ch. &
Athanassoula E., 2003, MNRAS, 346, 1031-1040. (24 known citations)
(pdf file, 3.60
order and chaos in Hamiltonian systems by the SALI method
Skokos Ch., Antonopoulos Ch., Bountis T. C. & Vrahatis M. N., 2004, J. Phys. A,
37, 6269-6284. (146 known citations)
(pdf file, 1.11Mb).
and stability of localized oscillations in 1-dimensional lattices with soft
spring and hard spring potentials
P., Bountis T. C. & Skokos Ch., 2004, J. Vibration &
Acoustics, 126, 520-527. (18 known citations)
(pdf file, 231 Kb)
Particle Swarm Optimization: An efficient method for tracing periodic orbits in 3D galactic potentials
Skokos Ch., Parsopoulos K. E., Patsis P. A. & Vrahatis M. N., 2005, MNRAS,
359, 251-260. (21 known citations)
(pdf file, 907
Application of the SALI chaos detection method to accelerator mappings
Bountis T. & Skokos Ch., 2006, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. – Sect. A,
561, 173-179. (11 known citations)
(pdf file, 691
Space charges can significantly affect the dynamics of accelerator
Bountis T. & Skokos Ch., 2006, Phys. Let. A, 358, 126-133. (5
known citations)
(pdf file,
453 Kb)
Chaotic Dynamics of N–degree of Freedom Hamiltonian Systems
Antonopoulos Ch., Bountis T. & Skokos Ch., 2006, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 16(6), 1777-1793. (16 known citations)
(pdf file, 781
Geometrical properties of local dynamics in Hamiltonian systems: the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) method
Skokos Ch., Bountis T. C. & Antonopoulos Ch., 2007, Physica D, 231,
30-54. (153 known citations)
(pdf file,
1.59 Mb)
the global dynamics of conservative dynamical systems using the SALI chaos
detection method
Manos T.,
Skokos Ch., Athanassoula E. & Bountis T., 2008, Nonlin.
Phenom. Complex Syst., 11, 171-176. (11
known citations)
file, 968 Kb)
Detecting chaos, determining the dimensions of tori and predicting slow
diffusion in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices by the Generalized Alignment Index
Skokos Ch., Bountis T. C. & Antonopoulos Ch., 2008, Eur. Phys. J.
Sp. Top., 165, 5-14. (45 known citations)
file, 641 Kb)
Universal spreading of wave packets in disordered nonlinear systems
S., Krimer D. O. &
Skokos Ch., 2009,
Phys. Rev. Let., 102, 024101 (Erratum: Phys. Rev. Let., 102, 209903).
(272 known citations)
file, 236 Kb -
27 Kb)
Delocalization of wave packets in disordered nonlinear chains
Skokos Ch.,
Krimer D. O., Komineas S. & Flach S., 2009, Phys. Rev. E, 79,
056211 (Erratum: Phys. Rev. E., 89, 029907). (137 known citations)
file, 368 Kb -
32 Kb)
Spreading of wave packets in disordered systems with tunable nonlinearity
Skokos Ch. & Flach S., 2010, Phys. Rev. E, 82, 016208.
known citations)
file, 388 Kb)
crossover from strong to weak chaos for nonlinear waves in disordered
Laptyeva T. V., Bodyfelt J. D., Krimer D. O., Skokos Ch. &
Flach S., 2010, Europhysics Letters, 91, 30001.
(70 known citations)
file, 667 Kb)
Numerical integration of variational equations
Skokos Ch. & Gerlach E., 2010, Phys. Rev. E, 82,
036704. (53 known citations)
file, 1.71 Mb)
Nonlinear waves in disordered chains: probing the limits of chaos and
Bodyfelt J. D., Laptyeva T. V.,
Skokos Ch., Krimer D. O., & Flach S., 2011, Phys. Rev. E, 84, 016205.
(28 known citations)
file, 1.87 Mb)
interactions in localizing media - a coin with many faces
Bodyfelt J. D., Laptyeva T. V., Gligoric G., Krimer D. O.,
Skokos Ch. & Flach S., 2011, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 21(8),
2107-2124. (10 known citations)
file, 826 Kb)
two-stage dynamics in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem: from regular to
diffusive behavior
Ponno A., Christodoulidi H., Skokos Ch. & Flach S.,
2011, Chaos, 21, 043127. (29 known citations)
file, 2.19 Mb)
Hamiltonian control used to improve the beam stability in particle
accelerator models
Boreux J., Carletti T., Skokos Ch. & Vittot M., 2012, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Num. Simulat.,
17, 1725-1738. (5 known citations)
file, 880 Kb)
Efficient integration of the variational equations of multi-dimensional
Hamiltonian systems: Application to the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice
Gerlach E., Eggl S. & Skokos Ch., 2012, Int. J.
Bifurc. Chaos,
22(9), 1250216. (11 known citations)
file, 1.29 Mb)
Probing the local dynamics of periodic orbits by the generalized alignment
index (GALI) method
Manos T., Skokos Ch. & Antonopoulos Ch., 2012,
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 22(9), 1250218. (23 known citations)
file, 734 Kb)
Efficient control of accelerator maps
Boreux J., Carletti T., Skokos Ch., Papaphilippou Y. & Vittot
M., 2012, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos,
22(9), 1250219. (2 known citations)
file, 970 Kb)
Interplay between chaotic and regular motion in a time-dependent barred
galaxy model
Manos T., Bountis T. & Skokos Ch., 2013, J.
Phys. A, 46, 254017. (21 known citations)
file, 19.58 Mb)
Nonequilibrium chaos of disordered nonlinear waves
Skokos Ch., 2Gkolias I. & Flach S., 2013, Phys. Rev.
Let., 111, 064101 (Editors' Suggestion). (49 known citations)
file, 328 Kb)
Chaoticity without thermalisation in disordered lattices
Tieleman O., Skokos Ch. & Lazarides A., 2014, Europhysics
Letters, 105, 20001. (5 known citations)
file, 482 Kb)
High order three part split symplectic integrators: Efficient techniques for
the long time simulation of the disordered discrete non linear
Schrödinger equation
Skokos Ch., Gerlach E., Bodyfelt J. D., Papamikos G. & Eggl S.,
2014, Phys. Let. A, 378, 1809-1815. (21 known citations)
file, 511 Kb)
Complex statistics and diffusion in nonlinear disordered particle chains
Antonopoulos Ch., Bountis T., Skokos Ch. & Drossos L., 2014, Chaos,
24, 024405. (5 known citations)
file, 391 Kb)
Chaotic behavior of three interacting vortices in a confined Bose-Einstein
Kyriakopoulos N., Koukouloyannis V., Skokos Ch. &
Kevrekidis P., 2014, Chaos, 24, 024410. (11 known citations)
file, 2.91 Mb)
Energy transport in one-dimensional disordered granular solids
Achilleos V., Theocharis G. & Skokos Ch., 2016, Phys. Rev.
E, 93 022903. (20 known citations)
file, 2.99 Mb)
the symplectic integration of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation
with disorder
Gerlach E., Meichsner J, & Skokos Ch., 2016, Eur.
Phys. J. Sp. Top., 225, 1103-1114. (8 known citations)
file, 381 Kb)
Analyzing chaos in higher order disordered quartic-sextic Klein-Gordon
lattices using q-statistics
Antonopoulos Ch., Skokos Ch., Bountis T. & Flach S., 2017, Chaos
Sol. Fract., 104, 129-134. (7 known citations)
file, 503 Kb)
orbital structures in rotating bar models
Chaves-Velasquez L., Patsis P. A., Puerari I., Skokos Ch. & Manos T.,
2017, Astroph. J., 850, 145. (11 known citations)
file, 6.72 Mb)
Distribution of Base Pair Alternations
in a Periodic DNA Chain: Application of Pólya Counting to a Physical System
1Hillebrand M., Paterson-Jones G., Kalosakas G. & Skokos Ch.,
2018, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 23, 135-151.
file, 1.06 Mb)
Chaos and Anderson-like localization in polydisperse granular chains
Achilleos V., Theocharis G. & Skokos Ch., 2018, Phys. Rev.
E, 97, 042220. (7 known citations)
file,1.72 Mb)
Computational efficiency of symplectic integration schemes: Application to
multidimensional disordered Klein-Gordon lattices
3Senyange B. & Skokos Ch., 2018, Eur. Phys. J. Sp. Top., 227,
625-643. (12 known citations)
file, 962 Kb)
Characteristics of chaos evolution in one-dimensional disordered nonlinear
3Senyange B., 3Many Manda B. & Skokos Ch., 2018, Phys. Rev. E, 98,
052229 (Erratum: Phys. Rev. E., 99, 069903). (24 known citations)
file, 2.17 Mb -
83 Kb)
Heterogeneity and chaos in the Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois DNA model
3Hillebrand M., Kalosakas G., 1Schwellnus A. & Skokos Ch., 2019,
Phys. Rev. E, 99, 022213. (21 known citation)
file, 1.61 Mb)
Chaos and Anderson Localisation in Disordered Classical Chains:
Hertzian versus Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou models
Ngapasare A., Theocharis G., Richoux O., Skokos Ch. & Achilleos V., 2019,
Phys. Rev. E, 99, 032211. (10 known citations)
file, 2.96 Mb)
Computational efficiency of numerical integration methods for the tangent
dynamics of many-body Hamiltonian systems in one and two spatial dimensions
Danieli C., 3Many Manda B., Mithun T. & Skokos Ch., 2019,
Math. in Engineering, 1, 447-488. (13 known citations)
file, 916 Kb)
Chaotic wave packet spreading in two-dimensional disordered nonlinear
3Many Manda B.,
3Senyange B. & Skokos Ch., 2020, Phys. Rev. E,
101, 032206. (11 known citations)
file, 1.48 Mb)
Chaotic dynamics of graphene and
graphene nanoribbons
3Hillebrand M.,
3Many Manda B., Kalosakas G., Gerlach E. & Skokos Ch.,
2020, Chaos, 30, 063150 (Erratum: Chaos, 35, 019901). (5 known citations)
file, 601 Kb -
86 Kb)
the behavior of the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) method for regular
motion in multidimensional Hamiltonian systems
2Moges H., Manos T. & Skokos Ch., 2020, Nonlin.
Phenom. Complex Syst., 23, 153-164. (3 known citations)
file, 890 Kb)
Properties of normal modes in a modified disordered Klein-Gordon lattice:
From disorder to order
3Senyange B., 1du Plessis J.-J.,
3Many Manda B. & Skokos Ch., 2020, Nonlin. Phenom.
Complex Syst., 23, 165-171.
(pdf file, 837
propagation in a strongly disordered one-dimensional phononic lattice supporting
rotational waves
Ngapasare A., Theocharis G., Richoux O., Skokos Ch. & Achilleos
V., 2020, Phys. Rev. B, 102, 054201. (5 known citations)
file, 3.78 Mb)
Chaotic dynamics of piezoelectric MEMS based on maximum Lyapunov Exponent
and Smaller Alignment Index computations
Tchakui M. V., Woafo P. & Skokos Ch., 2020, Int. J. Bifurc.
Chaos, 30, 2030025. (3 known citations)
file, 9.21 Mb)
Distributions of bubble lifetimes and bubble lengths in DNA
3Hillebrand M., Kalosakas G., Skokos Ch. &
Bishop A.R., 2020, Phys. Rev. E, 102, 062114. (13 known citations)
file, 844 Kb)
Stability properties of 1-dimensional Hamiltonian lattices with nonanalytic
Bountis A., Kaloudis K., Oikonomou Th., 3Many
Manda B. & Skokos Ch., 2020, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 30,
(2 known citations)
file, 2.44 Mb)
Thermalization in the one-dimensional Salerno model lattice
Mithun T., Maluckov A., 3Many
Manda B., Skokos Ch., Bishop A., Saxena A., Khare A. & Kevrekidis
P. G., 2021, Phys. Rev. E, 103, 032211. (2 known citations)
file, 2.61 Mb)
Bubble lifetimes in DNA gene promoters and their mutations affecting
4Hillebrand M., Kalosakas G., Bishop A.R. &
Skokos Ch.,
2021, J. Chem. Phys., 155, 095101. (11 known citations)
file, 5.30 Mb)
Effect of excited state lasing on the chaotic dynamics of spin QD-VCSELs
3Georgiou P., Tselios Ch., Mourkioti G., Skokos Ch. & Alexandropoulos D., 2021, Nonlin. Dyn., 106, 3637-3646. (10 known citations)
file, 1.63 Mb)
Chaoticity in the vicinity of complex unstable periodic orbits in galactic
type potentials
Patsis P. A., Manos T. Chaves-Velasquez L., Skokos Ch.
& Puerari I., 2022, Physica D, 429, 133050. (2 known citations)
file, 4.30 Mb)
Orbit evolution in growing stellar bars: bar-supporting orbits at the
vertical ILR region
Manos T.,
Skokos Ch. & Patsis P. A., 2022, MNRAS, 509, 1995-2012. (2 known citations)
file, 11.57 Mb)
Anomalous diffusion in single and coupled standard maps with extensive
chaotic phase spaces
3Moges H., Manos T. &
Skokos Ch., 2022, Physica D, 431, 133120. (6 known citations)
file, 2.73 Mb)
Energy spreading, equipartition, and chaos in lattices with non-central
4Ngapasare A., Theocharis G., Richoux O., Achilleos V. &
Skokos Ch., 2022, Chinese Phys. B, 31, 020506.
file, 3.21 Mb)
Identifying localized and spreading chaos in nonlinear disordered lattices
by the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) method
Senyange B. &
Skokos Ch., 2022, Physica D, 432, 133154. (7 known citations)
file, 1.66 Mb)
Nonlinear topological edge states:
From dynamic delocalization to thermalization
Many Manda B., Chaunsali R., Theocharis G. &
Skokos Ch., 2022, Phys. Rev. B, 105, 104308. (8 known citations)
file, 4.53 Mb)
Application of high order symplectic integration methods with forward
integration steps in beam dynamics
Skoufaris K., Laskar J., Papaphilippou Y. &
Skokos Ch., 2022, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 25, 034001. (2
known citations)
file, 6.71 Mb)
Frequency map analysis of spatiotemporal chaos in the nonlinear disordered
Klein-Gordon lattice
Skokos Ch., Gerlach E.
& Flach S., 2022, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 32, 2250074. (3
known citations)
file, 15.09 Mb)
Wave-packet spreading in disordered soft architected structures
4Ngapasare A., Theocharis G., Richoux
Skokos Ch. & Achilleos V., 2022, Chaos, 32, 053116. (5
known citations)
file, 3.40 Mb)
Energy transport in
one-dimensional oscillator arrays with hysteretic damping
Bountis T., Kaloudis K., Shena J., Skokos Ch. & Spitas Ch., 2022, Eur. Phys. J. Sp. Top.,
231, 225-236. (6 known citations)
file, 2.32 Mb)
influence of asymmetry on the dynamics associated with a Caldera potential
energy surface
Katsanikas M., 4Hillebrand M.,
Skokos Ch. & Wiggins S., 2022, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 32, 2230030. (1 known citation)
file, 1.47 Mb)
Quantifying chaos using Lagrangian descriptors
4Hillebrand M., 2Zimper S., 4Ngapasare A.,
Katsanikas M., Wiggins S. &
Skokos Ch., 2022, Chaos, 32, 123122. (12
known citations)
file, 4.91 Mb)
new type of dynamical matching in an asymmetric Caldera potential energy
Katsanikas M., 4Hillebrand M.,
Skokos Ch. & Wiggins S., 2023, Chem. Phys. Lett., 811, 140208. (2 known citations)
file, 1.64 Mb)
Bubble relaxation dynamics in homopolymer DNA sequences
4Hillebrand M., Kalosakas G., Bishop A.R. &
Skokos Ch., 2023, Molecules, 28, 1041. (1 known citation)
file, 1.57 Mb)
Wave-packet spreading in the disordered and nonlinear Su-Schrieffer-Heeger
Many Manda B., Achilleos V., Richoux O., Skokos Ch. & Theocharis G.,
2023, Phys. Rev. B, 107, 184313. (6
known citations)
file, 3.24 Mb)
Performance of chaos diagnostics based on Lagrangian descriptors.
Application to the 4D standard map
2Zimper S., 4Ngapasare A.,
4Hillebrand M., Katsanikas M., Wiggins S. &
Skokos Ch., 2023, Physica D, 453, 133833. (10 known citations)
file, 3.29 Mb)
Navigating phase space transport with the origin-fate map
4Hillebrand M., Katsanikas M., Wiggins S. &
Skokos Ch., 2023, Phys. Rev. E, 108, 024211. (1 known citation)
file, 3.71 Mb)
Kinetic vs magnetic chaos in toroidal plasmas: A systematic quantitative
3Moges H. T., Antonenas Y., Anastassiou G.,
Skokos Ch. & Kominis Y.: 2024, Phys. Plasmas, 31, 012302.
file, 6.10 Mb)
The evolution of the phase space
structure along pitchfork and period-doubling bifurcations in a 3D galactic
bar potential
3Moges H. T., Katsanikas M., Patsis P. A., Hillebrand M. &
Skokos Ch.: 2024, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 34, 2430013.
file, 10.98 Mb)
Efficient detection of chaos
through the computation of the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) by the
multi-particle method
Many Manda B., Hillebrand M. &
Skokos Ch.: 2025, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Num. Simulat. (in press),
Using Lagrangian descriptors to reveal the phase space structure of
dynamical systems described by fractional differential equations:
Application to the Duffing oscillator
2Theron D., Susanto H., Agaoglou M. & Skokos Ch.:
2025 (submitted).
Papers in conference proceedings
of a 4-D mapping
Skokos Ch.,1993, in "Proc. A' Panhellenic Astron. Meeting" ed.
Laskarides P.G. , Athens, 491-495 (in Greek). (1 known citation)
(pdf file, 149 Kb)
Introduction to nonlinear
Skokos Ch. & Polymilis
C., 1996, in "Nonlinear
Dynamics, Chaos, Fractals and Fractal Kinetics in Drug Research, A satellite
of the Sixth European Congress on Biopharmaceutics and
Pharmacokinetics" ed. Macheras P., Athens, 1-15.
(pdf file, 514 Kb)
Study of the effective stability in the
restricted three body problem
Skokos Ch., Contopoulos G.
& Giorgilli A., 1996, in "Proc. 2nd Hellenic Astron.
Conf." eds. Contadakis M. E., Hadjidemetriou J. D., Mavridis L. N.
& Seiradakis J. H., Thessaloniki, Hellenic Astronomical Society,
Thessaloniki, 526-531. (1 known citation)
(pdf file, 182 Kb)
Non periodic orbits in a four dimensional
symplectic map
Skokos Ch., Contopoulos G.
& Polymilis C., 1996, in "Proc. 2nd Hellenic Astron. Conf." eds.
Contadakis M. E., Hadjidemetriou J. D., Mavridis L. N. & Seiradakis J.
H., Thessaloniki, Hellenic Astronomical Society, Thessaloniki, 578-582.
(1 known citation)
(pdf file, 162 Kb)
Formal integrals of one-dimensional time dependent
Skokos Ch. &
Contopoulos G., 1997, in "JENAM 97, Abstracts", Hel. Astron. Soc.,
Thessaloniki, 24.
(pdf file, 14 Kb)
Numerical study of the phase space of a four
dimensional symplectic map
Skokos Ch., Contopoulos G.
& Polymilis C., 1999, in "Hamiltonian systems with three or
more degrees of freedom", ed. Simó C., NATO ASI Series,
Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
533, 583-587. (3 known citations)
(pdf file, 194 Kb)
Fine structure of the Solar
Chromosphere: Limb – crossing
Zachariadis Th. G., Dara H. C.,
Alissandrakis C. E., Koutchmy S., Gontikakis C. P. & Skokos Ch.,
2001, in "Proceedings of the 4th Astronomical Conference"
ed. Seimenis J., Hellenic Astronomical Society, Samos, 403-407.
(preprint version:
pdf file, 175 Kb)
Deviation vectors in coupled oscillators
Skokos Ch., Voglis N.
& Contopoulos G., 2001, in "Proceedings of the 4th Astronomical Conference" ed. Seimenis
J., Hellenic Astronomical Society, Samos, 371-376.
(preprint version:
pdf file, 254 Kb)
Regions of effective stability in the restricted
problem of three bodies
Skokos Ch. &
Dokoumetzidis A., 2001, in "Proceedings of the 4th Astronomical
Conference" ed. Seimenis J., Hellenic Astronomical Society, Samos, 129-134.
(preprint version:
pdf file, 272 Kb)
The backbone of 3D bars
Patsis P. A., Skokos Ch.
& Athanassoula E., 2002, in "Proceedings
of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference".
(preprint version:
pdf file,
59 Kb)
of the Trojan asteroids
Skokos Ch., 2002, in "Proceedings
of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference".
(preprint version:
pdf file,
163 Kb)
types of periodic orbits of multidimensional Hamiltonian systems
Skokos Ch., 2002, in "Proceedings
of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference". (1 known citation)
(preprint version:
pdf file,
119 Kb)
alignment index (SALI): a new indicator distinguishing between ordered and
chaotic motion
Skokos Ch., 2002, in "Proceedings
of the 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference". (2 known citations)
(preprint version:
pdf file,
118 Kb)
of Open Distance Learning in elementary school – The project “YouRA:
Young Researchers in Action”
Kalkanis G. Th., Lewinsky H. H.,
Sperka M., Sarris M., Athanasopoulos C., Savas S., Skokos Ch.,
Sotiriou S. A., Tolias V., Eisenbarth P. & Stemmler H., 2002, in "Proc. 2nd Hellenic
Conference: Didactics of Physics and Implementation of New Technologies in
Education", ed. Valanides N., Dep. of Educational Sciences, Univ.
Cyprus, Nicosia, Vol. I, 8-16 (in Greek).
(pdf file, 423 Kb)
Computation and stability of periodic orbits of
nonlinear mappings
Bountis T. C., Skokos Ch. &
Vrahatis M. N., 2002, in
" Proceedings of the 4th GRACM Congress on Computational
Mechanics", ed. Tsahalis D. T., Vol. II, 562-570. (1 known citation)
(preprint version:
file, 413 Kb)
Smaller alignment index (SALI): Detecting order and chaos in conservative dynamical systems
Skokos Ch., Antonopoulos Ch.,
Bountis T. C. & Vrahatis M. N., 2002, in
"Proceedings of the 4th GRACM Congress on Computational
Mechanics", ed. Tsahalis D. T., Vol. IV, 1496-1502. (10 known citations)
(preprint version:
pdf file, 4.26
Study of the effective stability in the spatial restricted
problem of three bodies
Skokos Ch. & Dokoumetzidis A., 2002, in "Order and Chaos in Non-linear
Dynamical Systems, Vol. 7" eds. Bountis T. C., Ellinas D. &
Grispolakis I., Pnevmatikos G. A., Athens, 113-118.
(pdf file, 259 Kb)
Realistic estimations of the effective stability region of the Trojan
Skokos Ch., 2002, in "Modern Celestial Mechanics: From Theory to
Applications", eds. Celletti A., Ferraz-Mello S. & Henrard J.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 447-450.
(preprint version:
file, 42 Kb)
Stability of periodic orbits of multidimensional
Application to systems with four degrees of freedom
Skokos Ch., 2003, in "Order and
Chaos in Non-linear Dynamical Systems, Vol. 8" eds. Bountis T. C.,
Ichtiaroglou S. & Pnevmatikos S., K. Sfakianaki, Thessaloniki, 111-126. (1
known citation)
(preprint version:
pdf file, 456 Kb)
Peanuts in barred analytic potentials
Patsis P. A., Skokos Ch. &
Athanassoula E., 2003, in
"Astrophysical Supercomputing using Particle Simulations", IAU
Symp., Vol. 208, eds. Makino J. & Hut P., 437-438. (1
known citation)
(pdf file,
256 Kb)
Smaller alignment index (SALI): Determining the ordered or chaotic nature of
orbits in conservative dynamical systems
Skokos Ch., Antonopoulos Ch.,
Bountis T. C. & Vrahatis M. N., 2003, in "Proceedings
of the Conference Libration Point Orbits and Applications", eds. Gómez
G., Lo M. W. & Masdemont J. J., World Scientific, 653-664. (10
known citations)
(pdf file, 492 Kb - preprint color version: nlin.CD/0210053)
periodic orbits by Topological Degree theory
Polymilis C., Servizi G., Skokos
Ch., Turchetti G. & Vrahatis M. N., 2003, in "Proceedings
of the Conference Libration Point Orbits and Applications", eds. Gómez
G., Lo M. W. & Masdemont J. J., World Scientific, 665-676. (5
known citations)
(pdf file, 515 Kb)
fast and reliable method for distinguishing regular from chaotic motion in
Hamiltonian systems
Antonopoulos Ch., Skokos Ch.,
Bountis T. C. & Vrahatis M. N., 2003, in "Recent Advantages
in Mechanics and Related Fields" Volume in honour of Prof. C. L.
Goudas, Univ. of Patras, 325-333.
(preprint version:
pdf file, 685 Kb)
On the nature of inner rings in barred galaxies
Patsis P. A., Skokos Ch. &
Athanassoula E., 2004, in "Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference",
ed. P. G. Laskarides, Athens, 291-294.
(pdf file, 1.07 Mb)
Tracing periodic orbits in 3D galactic potentials using the Particle Swarm Optimization method
Skokos Ch., Parsopoulos K. E., Patsis P. A.& Vrahatis M.
2004, in "Proceedings of the
6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference", ed. P. G. Laskarides, Athens,
(pdf file, 205 Kb)
Face-on views of 3D barred galaxies
Patsis P. A., Skokos Ch. &
Athanassoula E., 2004, in "Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference",
ed. P. G. Laskarides, Athens, 299.
(pdf file, 204 Kb)
A numerical study of soliton solutions of the Boussinesq equation using spectral methods
Tzirtzilakis E. E., Skokos Ch. & Bountis T. C., 2004, in "ICNAAM 2004, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2004", eds. Simos T. E. & Tsitouras Ch., Wiley-VCH, 415-418.
(preprint version:
pdf file, 125
isophotes in face-on views of barred galaxies
Patsis P. A., Skokos Ch. &
Athanassoula E., 2004, in
"Dark Matter in Galaxies", IAU Symp., Vol. 220, eds. Ryder S. D., Pisano D. J., Walker M. A. & Freeman K. C., ASP, 273-274.
(pdf file,
256 Kb)
Formation of inner rings in 3D potentials of barred galaxies
Patsis P. A., Skokos Ch. &
Athanassoula E., 2004, in
"Dark Matter in Galaxies", IAU Symp., Vol. 220, eds. Ryder S. D., Pisano D. J., Walker M. A. & Freeman K. C., ASP,
(pdf file,
256 Kb)
Experimental frequency maps for the
ESRF storage ring
Papaphilippou Y., Farvacque L., Plouviez E., Revol J.-L., Ropert A., Laskar
J & Skokos Ch., 2004, in
"Proceedings of the 9th European Particle Accelerator Conference EPAC
2004", 2047-2049. (3 known citations)
(pdf file, 867 Kb)
A numerical solution of the Boussinesq equation using the Adomian method
Bratsos A. G., Papadopoulos D. P. & Skokos Ch. : 2004, in Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, Vol. 1
"ICCMSE 2004, International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2004", eds. Simos Th. & Maroulis G., VSP International Science Publishers, 83-86. (2
known citations)
(pdf file,
1.82 Mb)
and stability of localized oscillations in 1-dimensional lattices with soft
spring and hard spring potentials
Panagopoulos P., Bountis T. C. & Skokos Ch., 2004, in
"Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic Physics Conference", Greek
Physicists Union, Vol. B, 75-80 (in Greek).
(preprint version:
pdf file, 323
Localized oscillations in nonlinear lattices: existence and stability
Panagopoulos P., Bountis T. C. & Skokos Ch., 2005, in
"Proceedings of the 1st International Conference: From Scientific Computing to Computational
Engineering", ed. Tsahalis D. T., Patras Univ. Press, Vol. II, 692-699.
(pdf file,
194 Kb)
Numerical solution of the
Boussinesq equation using spectral methods and stability of solitary wave propagation
Tzirtzilakis E. E., Skokos Ch. & Bountis T. C., 2005, in
"Proceedings of the 1st International Conference: From Scientific Computing to Computational
Engineering", ed. Tsahalis D. T., Patras Univ. Press, Vol. III,
928-933. (5 known citations)
(pdf file,
102 Kb)
SALI: an efficient indicator of chaos with application to 2 and 3 degrees of freedom
Hamiltonian systems
Antonopoulos Ch., Manos
A. & Skokos Ch., 2005, in
"Proceedings of the 1st International Conference: From Scientific Computing to Computational
Engineering", ed. Tsahalis D. T., Patras Univ. Press, Vol. III,
1082-1088. (3 known citations)
(pdf file,
254 Kb)
Tracing periodic orbits in 3D galactic potentials by the Particle Swarm Optimization method
Skokos Ch., Parsopoulos K. E., Patsis P. A.& Vrahatis M. N.,
2005, in
"Proceedings of the 1st International Conference: From Scientific Computing to Computational
Engineering", ed. Tsahalis D. T., Patras Univ. Press, Vol. III,
(pdf file,
259 Kb)
Precise tune measurements from multiple beam position monitors
Skokos Ch., Laskar J. & Papaphilippou Y., 2007, in
"Proceedings of the 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference PAC07",
(pdf file, 387 Kb)
Linear Dynamics Study of the CLIC Damping Rings Using Symplectic Integrators
Skokos Ch. & Papaphilippou Y., 2008, in "Proceedings
of the 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC08", 682-684. (1
known citation)
(pdf file, 1.01 Mb)
Application of the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) method to the dynamics
of multi-dimensional symplectic maps
Manos T.,
Skokos Ch. & Bountis T., 2008, in "Chaos, Complexity and
Transport: Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the CCT 07", eds.
Chandre C., Leoncini X. & Zaslavsky G., World Scientific, 356-364. (2 known citations)
(preprint version:
Global dynamics of coupled standard maps
Manos T.,
Skokos Ch. & Bountis T., 2009, in " Chaos in Astronomy",
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, eds. Contopoulos G. & Patsis P. A., Springer-Verlag,
367-371. (3 known citations)
(pdf file,
662 Kb)
Comparing the efficiency of numerical techniques for the integration of
variational equations
Gerlach E. & Skokos Ch., 2011,
in " Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications", Discr.Cont.
Dyn. Sys.-Supp. 2011 (dedicated to the 8th AIMS’ Conference), eds. Feng W.,
Feng Z., Grasselli M., Ibragimov A., Lu X, Siegmund S. & Voirt J., AIMS,
475-484. (15 known citations)
(pdf file,
4.01 Mb)
High order three part split symplectic integration schemes
Gerlach E., Eggl S., Skokos Ch., Bodyfelt J. D. & Papamikos
G., 2013, in "Proceedings of the 10th HSTAM International Congress on
Mechanics", nlin.CD/1306.0627. (3 known citations)
(pdf file,
130 Kb)
Implementation of high order symplectic integrators with positive steps in
tracking programs
Skoufaris K., Papaphilippou Y., Skokos Ch. & Laskar J., 2016, in
"Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference,
IPAC16", 3484-3487.
(pdf file,
923 Kb)
benchmark study of a high order symplectic integration method with only
positive steps
Skoufaris K., Papaphilippou Y., Skokos Ch. & Laskar J., 2018, in
"Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference,
IPAC18", 3111-3114.
(pdf file,
974 Kb)
Study of the dynamics of spin-polarized vertical cavity surface emitting
lasers using largest Lyapunov exponent
Georgiou P. D., Alexandropoulos D. & Skokos Ch.: 2020, in the
proceedings of the "2020 22nd
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON)", 1-3.
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499 Kb)
Numerical approaches for investigating the chaotic behavior of
multidimensional Hamiltonian systems
Skokos Ch.: 2023, in the proceedings of the "Workshop in honor of Otto E.
Rössler: From the nonlinear dynamical systems theory to observational
chaos", eds. Letellier C. & Mangiarotti S., Sylophe Publications,
Toulouse-Rouen, 32-37.
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